In economic theory, a moral
hazard is a situation when one party will have the tendency to take risks
because the costs that could incur will not be felt by the party taking the
risk. This intuitively is my reading of private
companies seeking a bailout from government, on grounds of being economically
encumbered— of which some are supposedly under receivership. Private companies are
supposed to promote growth in the real economy (create employment, privatise
profits; and pay taxes) not impose a tax burden (nationalising their loses). The list of 65 companies has a collective non-performing
loan exposure of Ushs. 1.3 trillion shillings, just 2% of the GDP or 5% of the
total commercial banks’ assets. This
share is rather small, compared to Europe’s fourth largest economy – Italy
whose share on risky loans is 20% of GDP.
50% of those loans are characterised as non- performing loans. However, the interesting perspective is that
the bailout alternative in Europe remains off the table. So the question becomes whether the proposed
bailout for Ugandan companies makes economic sense.
At a macro level, there are
compelling reasons for a no bail out. They perpetuate an ineffective status quo,
risking a trumponics (a chain of bankruptcies) and ‘a lemons problem’ (government
stake inefficient companies) but also likely to dent Central Bank independence
and credibility. This ‘too big to fail
syndrome’ also comes with economic disincentives and is essentially used only
in in economic downturn/crisis cases (not mere economic lapses). The Bank of
Uganda supervision report for 2015 in June 2016 indicates that banking sector
remains solid, liquid, profitable and well capitalised despite the rise in
Non-Performing Loans (NPL). The banking sector’s total assets grew from
USh.19.6 trillion to USh.21.7 trillion between December 2014 and December 2015.
Profits after tax increased by 12% to UGX USh.541.2 billion in 2015. For the
corresponding period, the volume of NPLs grew from USh.389.6 billion (4.1 % of
total gross loans) to USh.573.4 billion in December 2015 (5.3%). In addition, Uganda’s growth remains solid at
about 5%.
Again, trickle-down economics
suggests the throwing money at a few companies does not end up helping ordinary
workers. This position is shared by Mr
Patrick Muhweire, CEO Stanbic Bank Uganda, who while at the July 2016 LeoAfrica
Economic Forum, intimated the regressive effects of the bailout. He argued that
these bailouts would not address the fundamental structural problem of
unemployment, indicating his bank (largest bank in Uganda accounting for 18% of
total banking assets) only employs 2000 people. So collectively these companies
don’t employ a sizeable share of population. The majority of these companies
fall under service sector, which employs less than half a million Ugandans.
The alternative to debt is
private equity and should be the first line that these companies should
explore. Deductively there is a reason
these companies are not listed on the Ugandan Stock Exchange markets or least
issuing corporate bonds.
Again can Uganda afford the
bailouts? The government bailout would imply borrowing. The Ushs. 1.3 trillion Bailout package would
be approximately 7% of the budget for FY 2016/17 and 10% of the domestic
revenues for FY 2016/17. Domestic public
debt was more than the domestic revenues in FY 2015/16. The level of domestic
interest payments account already for a sizeable share of the budget at 10%.
The existing stock of debt remains susceptible to both domestic interest rate
shocks and exchange rate volatility. The
depreciation of the Shilling by Ushs. 600 in 2015 increased the external debt
stock of USD 5 billion by Ushs. 3 trillion (27% of the domestic revenue FY
Bailouts are essentially a
stabilisation remedy to warrant restoration of liquidity in the financial and
private sector. They performed quite well in the US and developed economies
during the recent financial crisis, in some cases, the governments have made
dividends on the bailout stimuli package. The conditions for bailout must be in
place, in order to avoid the negative implications on borrower discipline that
largely has offsetting effects on real economic activity. The Government of Uganda is yet to yield any dividends
from recent equity stake in some companies (Hotels) during CHOGM summit. The companies
face structural problems and more pertinently deficient demand for their products.
The answer for these companies lies in
restructuring these loans, rebuilding their internal management process to
efficient levels and then tapping into equity for alternative sources of
financing. The main bottlenecks to doing
business are the key areas Government should focus its citizens’ resources than
selective crony capitalists.